During today’s trading on the Banja Luka Stock Exchange, a turnover of KM 10,085.82 was achieved through four transactions.
The value of the BIRS index increased by 0.22 percent and is 912.31 points.
On the standard stock market, the largest turnover was realized by the shares of Telekom Srpske ad Banja Luka in the amount of 1,067.36 KM at an average price of 1.12 KM, which achieved an increase compared to the previous trading by 0.90 percent.
The total turnover of bonds during today’s trading amounted to 311.58 KM, and the most traded bonds were MKD PRO FIN doo Istočno Sarajevo – 11th issue in the value of 285.04 KM. There was no change in the average price.
On the free market, the largest turnover was achieved by the shares of Palas ad Banja Luka in the amount of 8,706.88 KM at an average price of 1.61 KM, which achieved growth compared to the previous trading by 101.25 percent, the Banja Luka Stock Exchange announced.